EFHA World 15.12.2022
efha2022fashion conferencelanguagethesauruswords
Secure your spot and register now to our annual conference
Registrations are finally open for the EFHA 2022 Symposium “Wordings” The Language of Fashion Heritage. Get ready for two days of presentations, debates and reflections on the weight words carry in the preservation and understanding of our shared heritage.
Have a look at the full programme below and register HERE.
The press release , programme and abstract and bios of the speakers are also available for download.
Monday, 12th December 2022
14,00 – 14,10 Welcome and Introduction to the Symposium / Marco Rendina, EFHA
Panel 1: Establishing Vocabularies, defining identities
14,10 – 14,40 The Fashion Language Spatial Cognitive corpus: the strange case of the shapes / Maria Catricalà, Università Roma Tre
14,40 – 15,00 Fashion and Dress History Languages and Terminologies: the FLATIF project / Maria Teresa Zanola, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
15,00 – 15,20 Reflections on corporate museums and terminology / Matteo Augello, Lecturer and Performer
15,20 – 15,40 Tea Break
15,40 – 16,00 Destinés ou utilisés aux colonies: Taxonomy and Parisian Couture at the 1931 Colonial Exhibition / Paula Alaszkiewicz, Colorado State University
16,00 – 16,20 A new ‘lexicon’ for the digital textile museum of the XXI Century / Maria Canella, Università degli studi di Milano
16,20 – 16,50 Q&A
16,50 – 17,00 Wrap-up day 1
Tuesday, 13th December 2022
14,00 – 14,10 Welcome and Introduction / Marta Franceschini, EFHA
Panel 2: Rethinking Collections, representing communities
14,10 – 14,30 (Fashion) Words Matter! / Daan Van Dartel, Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
14,30 – 14,50 An Oral History Approach to the Tonie Lewenhaupt Fashion Collection / Alba Sanz Alvarez, Edinburgh College of Art
14,50 – 15,10 Fashion special needs: from do-it-yourself to outsider fashion / Elisa Fulco, Writer and Curator
15,10 – 15,30 Unspoken thread unwoven word. Textile and clothing names as Intangible Cultural Heritage / Sofia Pinto Correia, Fashion designer
15,30 – 16,00 Tea Break
16,00 – 16,20 The vocabulary of basic terms of ICOM COSTUME – historical-methodological paths / Maria Cristina Volpi, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
16,20 – 16,40 Developing a language and terminology strategy: V&A Africa Fashion / Elisabeth Murray, V&A
16,40 – 17,00 Unboxing colonial souvenirs. Redefining the “Zouave jacket” / Roberto Luis Martins, Amsterdam Museum
17,00 – 17,20 Q&A
17,20 – 17,30 Wrap-up of the symposium