EFHA World 28.10.2022
communitycultural heritageEuropean fashionfashion heritagejewels
A project by Modemuze bringing jewellery collections to the attention of a wide and diverse audience.
As part of Modemuze, a growing network of Dutch/Flemish museums with a unique fashion and costume collection, Sieradenmuze focuses on sharing knowledge about jewellery, building a jewellery community and bringing jewellery collections to the attention of a wide and diverse audience.
The website Sieradenmuze.nl brings together jewellery collections from various museums, from contemporary design to historical watches. Blogs with research and stories from various authors from the field provide context.
Various collection profiles are presented together at Sieradenmuze. The different museums work together as one platform, but each from their own profile and expertise. The collections represent a wide range of disciplines. Together with its strong link to fashion, jewellery also connects to design, applied art and contemporary art.
Building on the network and experience of Modemuze, with eighteen museums participating, Sieradenmuze sets out to build its own community of jewellery enthusiasts. Sieradenmuze aims to connect jewellery collections and present them as a source of inspiration for jewellery lovers, makers, academics and museum professionals.
While over the last decades fashion and costume collections have come to be appreciated by a wide audience – fashion exhibitions are among the most popular in the Netherlands – jewellery collections are still relatively unknown to the Dutch and Flemish public. Sieradenmuze aims to give these collections the attention they deserve.
Sieradenmuze enables users to search the collections, comment on them or add information, stories and images. Their knowledge, experiences and love for the subject is important to represent, and connects museum collections to contemporary themes and topics that are relevant on a personal level. Sieradenmuze has a growing network of contributors, their input allows the platform to grow, bring collections to life and collect stories about making and wearing.