EFHA World 22.05.2023
3DcommunityEuropean fashionheritagepatterns
Recovering patterns, crafting knowledge
On Sunday 20 November, we are partnering with our long-term member MoMu to support their fascinating initiatives to discover more about patterns and pattern-making, developed in collaboration with Central Saint Martins – University of the Arts, London.
MoMu has been championing the study of patterns and the work of pattern makers at list since 2003, when director Kaat Debo curated the exhibition Patronen: Patterns, focused on the interaction between pattern, body and garment. The exhibition explored patterns as the 2-dimensional transition between the 3-dimensional body and the final item of clothing, finally hinting at the potential body that could inhabit it.
19 years later, on the occasion of the new exhibition Exploding Fashion: From 2D to 3D to 3D Animation, the museum organised a study day including talks by curators and experts, such as historian Caroline Evans and curator Alistair O’Neill, and pattern-makers Esme Young and Patrick Lee Yow of Central Saint Martins, guided tours of the show and a hands-on ‘pattern-a-thon’.
As in the pattern-a-thons piloted before in the context of the Crafted and CitizenHeritage projects, the participants will make patterns from articles of clothing of their choice from the MoMu study collection, then publish them on Wikimedia, where they can be consulted and used by all. In this way, not only MoMu visitors become engaged with heritage and help pass it on, but also the wider ‘digital’ audience of the museum and the communities and networks interested in learning more about historical garments and how to reproduce them in the present can access this knowledge. that heritage. The event is open to everyone and will provide skills and new experiences to those who participate.
An inspiring day showing how community participation is key in both preserving the heritage of the past and crafting the heritage of the future. Learn more on the dedicated page on MoMu’s website.