Museum collections are part of a larger community of fashion and costume enthusiasts and experts. Modemuze operates as a platform to bring the knowledge, inspiration and passion these communities have together in one place – and connect the museum collections to the broader field.
On the website, participatory tools are continuously developed, so that users will not only be able to search the collections, but also comment on them or add information, stories and images. Their knowledge, experiences and love for the subject is important to represent, and connects museum collections to contemporary themes and topics that are relevant on a professional and personal level.
In the past years, Modemuze has seen contributions from well over 180 authors, half of which do not work in the partner museums; they are collectors, re-enactors, fashion enthusiasts, experts from different fields, and have diverse backgrounds. This indispensable input has allowed the platform to grow, bring collections to life and collect stories from all corners of the field of fashion and costume.