EFHA World 29.05.2022
conferenceEFHAEuropean fashionvideo
The videos of the conference ‘Fashion and the Politics of Heritage’ sre finally here / Section 4: Working with Heritage. The Museum Perspective
Section IV – Working with Heritage. The Museum Perspective
Julia Petrov / Royal Alberta Museum
Dressing the Nation: Establishing and Exhibiting European Fashion Collections for Pride and Power
Ninke Bloemberg / Centraal Museum Utrecht
On Diversity, Transcultural Dynamics…and Cultural Dialogue
Lucie Whitmore / Museum of London
Reframing stories of Jewish fashion makers in museum collections
PANEL DISCUSSION – Chair Adelheid Rasche
All the parts of the conference can be accessed from these links:
Section 1 – Questioning Heritage and Fashion
Section 2 – Fashion, Heritage and National Identities
Section 3 – Working with heritage / Tales From the Fashion Archive
Section 4 – Working with heritage / the Museum Perspective
Section 5 – Queering Grounds / Queer Heritage between Academia and the Museum