We are currently living in a world where artificial intelligence increasingly intervenes in our day-to-day, in the way we communicate and, more generally, in many practical aspects of life. But what is the role of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Cultural Heritage? The project AI4Culture moves from this question to propose a positive answer. The project aims to collect useful technologies in an online capacity building hub – a user-friendly online platform – where they will be tested and made available to the public together with tutorials and best practices.
The AI4Culture platform will be populated with an initial suite of AI tools: a number of existing digital components will be customised, interfaced, and packaged, so that they can be easily (re)used by Cultural Heritage institutions. The project will also make available – under open source licence – a number of datasets from the Cultural Heritage domain that can be used for training and testing purposes, in order to facilitate the customisation and fine-tuning of AI tools depending on the characteristics and needs of the sector.
Finally, the project will produce and disseminate various training resources and organise a series of capacity building activities, with the aim to raise awareness of the potential of AI techniques in the Cultural Heritage sector and support professionals to gain experience on how to use the available tools.
EFHA manages the communication of the project, as we believe in its clear and strong value proposition for Cultural Heritage, to innovate the sector, foster its digital transformation and spearhead progress.