EFHA World 09.10.2024
Exhibition: Backstage/Frontstage
fashion exhibitionfashion photographyHasselt
On show at ModeMuseum Hasselt
Gasthuisstraat 11, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium
fashion exhibitionfashion photographyHasselt
On show at ModeMuseum Hasselt
Gasthuisstraat 11, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium
The Backstage/Frontstage exhibition reflects on the ‘behind the scenes’ of a fashion show. Backstage, the place that the public rarely gets to see, is
where the magic starts: models, stylists, make-up artists and designers are united in one creative hub, all working towards the start of the show. Using video, photography and silhouettes from leading designers and fashion houses, the audience will be guided through the backstage world.
Learn more here: http://www.modemuseumhasselt.be/#/tentoonstelling/backstage-frontstage/nl/id/187