Designers 12.06.2018
collaborationsfashion exhibitionvirtual exhibitions
A rapid response by ICOM Costume, documenting the material culture of our times
Since the start of Covid-19 Pandemic, many museums and institutions have turned to virtual exhibitions as ways to respond to the changes in the world, and to the changing in how we experience the world and live in it. The efforts put in translating material culture – and the research and projects related to it – into the digital realm showed how important it is to document its evolution online, proving how different identities and people can be united by objects, and how the stories related to objects are important because they represent who we are and how we are connected to each other.
The exhibition features over 100 masks, divided into six themes: Art & Intervention; Politics & Protest; Solidarity & Communities; Body & Spirit; Innovation & Sustainability; and Fashion & Pop Culture. The exhibition is open until December 2022 and can be visited here. A true journey around the world, showcasing the variety of approaches and visions crafting symbols we had to, and chose to wear, and probably will never forget.