EFHA World 29.05.2022
conferencecultural heritageEFHAEuropean fashion
Announcing the EFHA 2018 International Conference
In the prestigious set of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, on the 8-9 November 2018, EFHA, in collaboration with The New School – Parsons Paris, IUAV University of Venice and the London College of Fashion – University of the Arts London, is organising its fifth international conference titled Europe and Fashion: Questioning Identities and Cultures.
An impressive lineup of speakers, with keynotes as Valerie Steele, Giorgio Riello, Miren Arzalluz and Javier Gimeno Martinez, will explore and discuss the role of geography, borders, territories and identities for the definition and demarcation of varied artefacts and practices, analysing the link between fashion and European identity.
The main aim of the conference is to reconsider assumptions about the place of fashion in the definition of European culture and offer new perspectives on the role of fashion in relation to critical issues, as individual and collective identities, European policy, colonialism and post-colonialism, cultural exchange and transmission, cultural displacement and appropriation, the fashion capitals and nations, center and periphery.
We think that fashion and fashion heritage have the possibility to add something relevant and unique to the conversation and we believe this conference is a timely intervention on central topics concerning not only fashion heritage, but the realm of culture more broadly.
The papers included in the conference will present cutting-edge researches by world-leading personalities from many fields – academia, museum research and practice and also professionals – defying borders across disciplines and institutions.
Learn more about the programme and book your ticket at https://europeandfashion.eventbrite.co.uk/.
Hurry-up, tickets are limited!